Episode recaps
The Blacklist: How The Blacklist Got Its Groove Back
Photo Courtesy NBC WARNING: SPOILER ALERT: How does a series barely get renewed for a sixth campaign, not only find its footing and turn around a lackluster
the-blacklist-he-s-still-her-sin-eater Njatvs speculation
The Blacklist: He’s Still Her Sin-Eater
Photo Courtesy Of TV Guide WARNING SPOILER ALERT: “Denial Ain’t Just A River In Egypt.” Mark Twain The fifth season finale for the longtime NBC series
Njatvs speculation
The Blacklist: A Lifetime Hiding For No Reason
Photo Courtesy of Eric Liebowicz/NBC WARNING SPOILER ALERT: So, have we actually seen the last of Ian Garvey? Although it appeared that the dirty cop’s
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The Blacklist: Perhaps You’ve Heard Of Him?
Photo Courtesy Of Virginia Sherwood/NBC WARNING SPOILER ALERT: Please consider this your FINAL WARNING: If you have yet to watch Season Five Episode Eighteen
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The Blacklist: Waist Deep In The Big Muddy
Photo Courtesy Of Virginia Sherwood/NBC WARNING SPOILER ALERT: It was back in nineteen forty-two, I was a member of a good platoon. We were on maneuvers
the-blacklist-is-alexander-kirk-liz-keen-s-father Njatvs speculation
The Blacklist: Is Alexander Kirk Liz Keen’s Father?
Photo by: Virginia Sherwood/NBC Warning: Spoiler Alert I’ve decided to call my shot and swing for the fences in this column as the NBC series “The Blacklist,”
the-blacklist-a-time-to-grieve-2Njatvs speculation
The Blacklist: A Time To Grieve
Photo Courtesy Of NBC Warning: Spoiler Alert Fans of the NBC series “The Blacklist,” have found themselves sailing unchartered and rather choppy waters
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The Blacklist: The Path Not Taken
Photo by: Virginia Sherwood/NBC Warning: Spoiler Alert We’ve dispensed with our normal recap for the last couple of weeks for the NBC series “The Blacklist,”
the-blacklist-is-liz-keen-truly-dead-3 Njatvs speculation
The Blacklist: Is Liz Keen Truly Dead?
Photo Courtesy Of NBC Warning: Spoiler Alerts Allow me to escort you back to my childhood in the Mid-Sixties, an era in which TV series were far less complicated.
the-blacklist-what-s-the-deal-with-ressler-and-other-assorted-questions Njatvs spotlight
The Blacklist: What’s The Deal With Ressler And Other Assorted Questions
Photo Courtesy Of NBC Warning: Spoiler Alert Not all soldiers contain the qualities to become Generals. In fact the skill sets of an exemplary soldier