1422 Agents of s h i e l d
Agents of SHIELD: Expendable
Courtesy of ABC/Marvel Warning: Spoiler Alert On the alien planet searches feverishly for Will with Ward breathing down his neck the entire time.
1559 Agents of s h i e l d
Agents of SHIELD: Everyone Has A Compromising Weakness
Courtesy of ABC/Marvel Warning: Spoiler Alert Coulson and Rosalind sit down and Rosalind’s dining room table for a gourmet candle lit dinner of DJ’s fast food burgers.
1568 Agents of s h i e l d
Agents of SHIELD: Operation Spotlight
Courtesy of ABC/Marvel Warning: Spoiler Alert Ward meets with Malick in the hopes of creating an understanding concerning a certain ‘vault’.
1354 Agents of s h i e l d
Agents of SHIELD: Feelings And Identities Get Exposed
Courtesy of ABC/Marvel Warning: Spoiler Alert We begin this week with a flashback. On the heels of last week’s revelation that Lash is Andrew Garner, the
1592 Agents of s h i e l d
Agents of SHIELD: A Snake In The Grass
Courtesy of ABC/Marvel Warning: Spoiler Alert Dr. Garner is alive. Coulson brought him back. Strapped tightly to a gurney, Andrew is alive and awake.
1417 Agents of s h i e l d
Agents of SHIELD: Jemma’s Will Kept Her Alive
Courtesy of ABC/Marvel Warning: Spoiler Alert We begin tonight’s highly anticipated “Jemma” episode reliving the moment that Jemma gets pulled through
1419 Agents of s h i e l d
Agents of SHIELD: Trust Issues
Courtesy of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert A young couple, we assume are Inhumans, prepare dinner when there is a knock at the door. Alicia stands in the doorway.
1514 Agents of s h i e l d
Agents of SHIELD: Coming Back Is Not Easy
Courtesy of ABC/Marvel We start this week with Lincoln on the run from the newly formed ATCU. He is chased through the woods until he emerges at the base
1449 Agents of s h i e l d
Agents of SHIELD: No Stone Unturned
agents-of-shield-new-obstacles-force-desperate-measures-2 Agents of s h i e l d
Agents of SHIELD: New Obstacles Force Desperate Measures
Courtesy of ABC/Marvel Warning: Spoiler Alert Agents of SHIELD season 3 begins as ominously as season 1 did. A strange apartment with what looks like the