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Mulaney: Squeamish About Bodily Functions
Courtesy of FOX Warning: Spoiler Alert There has been a fair amount of conjecture regarding last week’s episode. I’m not going to go into great detail
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Gracepoint: Eliminating Suspects, Or Not
  Courtesy of FOX Warning: Spoiler Alert Last week we were introduced to the very surface of what this limited engagement mystery will eventually reveal.
Episode recaps
Sleepy Hollow: The Coin That Reveals Darkness
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Sleepy Hollow: Time to Even the Odds
Courtesy of FOX Warning: Spoiler Alert A great deal happened last week in the Sleepy Hollow season premiere. Needless to say, not all is well in Sleepy Hollow.
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Tonight: Sleepy Hollow-The Kindred
Courtesy of FOX Last Week Sleepy Hollow followed up what I believe to be a very strong Season one with a Season two premiere not to be missed.
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Tonight: Gotham-Selina Kyle
Courtesy of Fox Tonight on Gotham we will delve further into the motivation and drive behind Fish Mooney. And perhaps, get a better grasp of the power
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NJATVS Preview: Mulaney
Courtesy of Fox Here at NJATVS, we hold quality above any criteria. With that in mind, it’s rare that we would consider a sitcom. There’s nothing inherently
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Sleepy Hollow: Witnesses Reunited
Photo Courtesy of Fox, @SleepyHollowFOX Warning: Spoiler Alert I am lost. Last time we experienced a Sleepy Hollow episode, if memory serves, Abbey Mills
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NJATVS Preview: Sleepy Hollow
Photo Courtesy of Fox Warning: Spoiler Alert Sleepy Hollow season one was one of those rare instances where the logline and simple synopsis cannot be completely