the-blacklist-the-lion-in-winter-2 Episode recaps
The Blacklist: The Lion In Winter
Photo by: Virginia Sherwood/NBC WARNING: SPOILER ALERT “This gives the writers the chance to indulge their “Raymond In Prison Fantasy,” while ensuring
the-blacklist-raymond-reddington-goes-to-prison-2 Commentary
The Blacklist: Raymond Reddington Goes To Prison
Photo Courtesy Of NBC WARNING SPOILER ALERT: This will now be my tenth attempt at writing this column, which has changed in tone and format throughout
the-blacklist-he-s-still-her-sin-eater Njatvs speculation
The Blacklist: He’s Still Her Sin-Eater
Photo Courtesy Of TV Guide WARNING SPOILER ALERT: “Denial Ain’t Just A River In Egypt.” Mark Twain The fifth season finale for the longtime NBC series
Njatvs speculation
The Blacklist: A Lifetime Hiding For No Reason
Photo Courtesy of Eric Liebowicz/NBC WARNING SPOILER ALERT: So, have we actually seen the last of Ian Garvey? Although it appeared that the dirty cop’s
the-blacklist-perhaps-you-ve-heard-of-him Njatvs speculation
The Blacklist: Perhaps You’ve Heard Of Him?
Photo Courtesy Of Virginia Sherwood/NBC WARNING SPOILER ALERT: Please consider this your FINAL WARNING: If you have yet to watch Season Five Episode Eighteen