scorpion-logic-is-not-always-the-best-course-2 Episode recaps
Scorpion: Logic Is Not Always The Best Course
Courtesy of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert Toby has still not warmed to Happy bringing her new fling around, throwing it in his face. But team Scorpion has
scorpion-sylvester-s-worst-fear-realized Episode recaps
Scorpion: Sylvester’s Worst Fear Realized
Courtesy of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert While on community service detail, one of the group tries to befriend Walter. Walter does not seem too thrilled
scorpion-the-cuban-extraction-2 Episode recaps
Scorpion: The Cuban Extraction
Courtesy of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert Walter reluctantly and obstinately meets with a lawyer to discuss a strategy for Walter’s part in the car accident
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Scorpion: Emotions Rise As A Satellite Falls
who-needs-kings-and-prophets-when-you-can-have-forever-2 Forever
Who Needs Kings And Prophets When You Can Have Forever?
Photo Courtesy Of WBTV “A good Network apologizes for the mistakes of the past, but a great Network corrects them.” We likely have all made decisions that
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Keeping The Fat Lady Quiet: The Battle To Save Forever
Photo Courtesy Of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alerts “It Ain’t Over Till The Fat Lady Sings.” With apologies to the Bard: I come to praise “Forever,” not to bury it.
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Forever: Revenge Is A Long Game
Photo Courtesy Of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert “My name is Henry Morgan. My story is a long one. It might sound a bit implausible. In fact you probably won’t believe me.
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Forever: The Fate Of Abigail Morgan
Photo Courtesy Of ABC/Patrick Harbron Warning: Spoiler Alert Regular viewers of the ABC series “Forever,” likely caught on early, that the latest episode
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Forever: One Step Closer To Closure?
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Forever: Mummified Corpse Brings Back Heartache For Henry