1341 Episode recaps
Scorpion: Walter Is A Dangerous Date
Courtesy of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert Two words. “Walter” and “Dating”. Walter is dating the coordinator from last week’s speed dating cold open.
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Scorpion: Solar Panels Of Mass Destruction
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Scorpion: Blizzard Conditions Push The Team To The Brink
Courtesy of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert With New Year’s in the rear view, it would only make sense that our team would try improving their daily life.
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Scorpion: A Dam Is Not The Only Thing That Might Finally Break
Courtesy of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert Paige walks in on Walter talking to no one but holding Ferret Bueller. A genius talking to himself would not be
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Scorpion: Put In Uncomfortable Positions
Courtesy of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert Ralph has a ‘Time Capsule’ project for school and Walter is very unimpressed. Walter would rather Ralph only study
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Scorpion: The Team Wins The Day, A Family Is Forever Changed
Courtesy of Scorpion Warning: Spoiler Alert Happy drives recklessly, but not recklessly enough for Walter’s liking. This driving plays like a high-speed
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Scorpion: O’Brien’s Eight
Courtesy of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert Megan’s doctor delivers news that appears to have a different effect on the two men in her life. Walter is only
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Scorpion: Controlling Emotions And A Runaway Train
Courtesy of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert The team begins this week working on something that feels important and even dangerous. It turns out they needed
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Scorpion: The Needs Of The Many Outweigh The Deception Of One
Courtesy of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert Taking advice from Ray would never be advised. I’m guessing especially tonight. During another community service
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Scorpion: Heroes Of A Different Kind
Courtesy of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert Megan breaks some difficult news to Sylvester as gently as possible. It’s not what you think. She has to undergo