1421 Forever
The Grass Roots Campaign To Renew Forever
Image Courtesy Of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alerts Since “Not Just Another TV Site,” started publishing, we’ve had the pleasure of recapping some tremendous
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Agent Carter: Sometimes The Best Man For The Job Is A Woman
Courtesy of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert The premiere of ABC’s new Marvel show “Agent Carter” starts off exactly like it’s supposed to. Not because it was
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NJATVS Is Live Tweeting Agent Carter’s 2-Hour Premiere
Twitter.com   Tonight as part of Marvel’s Agent Carter 2-hour premiere, NJATVS will be live-tweeting the show.  While you’re watching tonight’s event
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NJATVS Preview: Marvel’s Agent Carter
  Courtesy of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert It has been a lovely holiday season, I hope your families enjoyed it as much as ours, but now it’s time to return
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Once Upon A Time Inks Ernie Hudson To Portray Poseidon
Photo Courtesy Of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert Who They Gonna Call? Well according to a report from “Entertainment Weekly,” the show-runners of the ABC series
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Agents of SHIELD: Inevitabilities Converge
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Agents of SHIELD: Things Fall Apart
Courtesy of ABC and Marvel Warning: Spoiler Alert We begin tonight in a creepy dream sequence. Not a device SHIELD has gone to yet, unless you count T.
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Agents of SHIELD: It’s Always Good To Look Your Enemy Right In The Eye
Courtesy of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert Tonight we begin with Woodhaul back in the 1940s forcing people of different backgrounds and genders to touch the Diviner.
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Agents of SHIELD: Coulson Figures It Out
Courtesy of ABC and Marvel Warning: Spoiler Alert At the conclusion of last week’s episode we were introduced to “the Stranger” played by Brian Van Holt
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Agents of SHIELD: New Changes With Big Implications
Courtesy of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert In this week’s episode, the assumption is that Hydra will step up their efforts to turn everyone against SHIELD, publicly.