1513 Episode recaps
Scorpion: Who Stole The Football?
Courtesy of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert Welcome back, so soon. We were just here yesterday. Can’t complain, two Scorpion’s in a 48 hour window.
1349 Episode recaps
Scorpion: Paige Has A Dream, Walter Becomes An Action Hero
1544 Episode recaps
Scorpion: Ralph Caught In The Crosshairs
Courtesy of CBS.com Warning: Spoiler Alert Ralph is trying to play a rather violent game with his mother’s laptop in the wee hours of the night when he’s
1403 Episode recaps
Scorpion: Walter Makes a Promise to Trapped Boy
Courtesy of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert The episode begins like you might expect it to considering the date (most shows will sprinkle in a little holiday imagery).
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Scorpion: Sometimes, You’ve Got To Break Stuff
1210 Episode recaps
Scorpion: The Bosnian Extraction
Courtesy of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert Walter’s sister Megan, who is battling MS, wound up in jail. Walter bails her out to discover there is a more logical
scorpion-saving-part-of-the-previous-family-creates-a-new-one-2 Episode recaps
Scorpion: Saving Part of the Previous Family Creates a New One
Courtesy of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert An older man and a younger man board a moderately sized boat. They get to a spot on the open water.
scorpion-music-moguls-and-missed-opportunities-2 Episode recaps
Scorpion: Music, Moguls, and Missed Opportunities
Courtesy of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert Walter is street racing? With all of what went on last episode, clearly Walter is acting out some childish attempt
1237 Episode recaps
Scorpion: A New Variable
Courtesy of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert Tonight we find the team gambling on Sylvester’s ability to mimic a large sequence while Walter is trying map a
scorpion-the-team-s-future-at-risk-walter-catches-feelings Episode recaps
Scorpion: The Team’s Future At Risk, Walter Catches Feelings
Courtesy of CBS.com Warning: Spoiler Alert This week’s Scorpion starts from a familiar place. Homeland security director attempting to unwad his panties.