Photo Courtesy Of The CW
Warning: Spoiler Alert
An Angel approaches a demon in a bar, after each displayed threatening gestures towards the other guy they sit down together and share a drink. Both express disdain at how ineffective their management’s been at combatting the Darkness. The demon says that the King Of Hell’s just dithering about doing who know what and the Angel complains that since Hannah died Heaven’s been a “Suck-Sandwich.” That succinctly sums up the state of affairs in the “Supernatural” universe in the third episode of season eleven. Because to borrow from Bob Dylan something is happening and you don’t know what it is, do you Mr. Crowley?
Once again the King Of Hell tries to exploit a situation only to see it become far too complicated for him to handle. Last season Crowley attempted to guide Dean Winchester when he went dark-side, before he realized he couldn’t control the man he claimed as his “Bestie.” As the series’ new campaign gets rolled out, Crowley’s trying to cultivate an alliance with Amara the little girl who embodies the Darkness. By the conclusion of this episode the King Of Hell’s starting to realize he’s dealing with a lot more than he bargained for.
We start out the evening with the first appearance of Crowley’s mother and the self-proclaimed most powerful witch on the planet Rowena. She lights a candle and then dramatically says
“They shall know us far and wide and fear us and we’ll be known as the Mega-Coven”
The camera pans back to reveal three witches standing in front of her. She explains to the three women that she’s attempting to one-up the Grand-Coven that’s been stuck in neutral since their High Priestess disappeared last year. The other three witches are far from impressed by Rowena and she tries to dazzle them by saying she killed her own son the King Of Hell. The three women laugh and one says that a friend of hers struck a deal with Crowley the previous afternoon. Rowena’s furious when she hears the news.
The trio tell their hostess they don’t think much of her or her idea of a Mega-Coven and start to leave. Rowena recites an incantation and soon the women’s skin starts getting blotchy, they scream and then disintegrate.
We see Dean back in the Darkness with the adult version of Amara, it’s just a flashback as he thinks back to seeing the tiny Mark Of Cain on the baby and on the woman. He recalls her telling him that they’re bound together, he helps her and she helps him. Suddenly Sam’s voice brings him back to the present as they’re in the Men Of Letters Building talking about the Darkness with a manacled Castiel.
The spell that Rowena cast in last year’s season finale’s getting tougher and tougher for Cas to fight off, hence him being in chains. They’ve got two beings they’re trying to locate, Rowena so she removes the spell from the Angel and Metatron whom they hope has some knowledge of the Darkness as he was God’s scribe. Suddenly Castiel goes into a seizure and falls on the floor. He blacks out and he’s back in control when he comes to he says he felt like he was a tomato in a blender set to purée.
The King Of Hell’s informed by one of his minions that they’ve located Rowena and Crowley sends the lackey out to execute her. Amara’s sitting at a desk with a laptop, her nanny informs Crowley that the girl’s watching Hitler’s speeches translated into English. She says it’s remarkable how much she’s picked up considering she was in diapers a week before. Crowley asks the child if she wants anything and she says she just wants the King Of Hell to protect her from God. She says the last time he locked her away, when Crowley asks her how he did that she says she doesn’t want to talk about it. Crowley tells her as long as she’s with him she’s safe from God.
Rowena tries a recruiting lunch at a restaurant with two more witches from the Grand-Coven they’re just as unimpressed with her plans as the three other women were. Then Rowena asks if she mentioned she owns the Book Of The Damned and the codex? Their interest now piqued one woman asks if Megan-Coven members get use of the Book while the other asks if she could be an officer in the Mega-Coven? Rowena starts to smile but it’s short-lived as Crowley’s lackey dressed as a waiter slits one of the witches throats. Rowena utters an incantation then runs into the kitchen blocking the demon from following her by clogging it with tables and chairs and she escapes.
Little Amara stands in front of a full-length mirror and her adult self appears on the other side. The grown-up Amara tells the youngster she must remain focused and that she represents what the child will become. She then tells the child that they’re mightier than God, Crowley walks into the room and just sees Amara staring at her reflection.
Dean and Sam read about Rowena’s incident at the Café Elta in Denver, and use their FBI shields to interview the remaining witch that the police got in custody. Once they’re alone with her in the room they cut right to the chase, telling the woman they know she’s a witch that she’d been at lunch with Rowena and the King Of Hell’s looking to execute his mother. They coerce the woman to use a tracking spell to locate Rowena and she sees her packing her bags as she’s trying to flee town.
Crowley tells Amara that he’s got two gifts for her, the first’s a frilly pink party-dress in her size with a blood stain on the front. The other’s a children’s pop-up book about a bunny, the child smiles and says she prefers the book she got from her Nanny. Dante’s Inferno in the original Italian.
Amara tells Crowley she’s hungry and the Nanny comes over with a pastry cart full of treats. The child gets up from her chair and holds out her arms to hug her Nanny and the young woman bends down to hug her when Amara sucks out the Nanny’s soul leaving her meat-suit lifeless on the floor.
Rowena’s wearing a platinum-blonde wig as she waits in the parking lot with her suitcases for a taxi. The cab arrives and the driver’s wearing a cap that’s pulled down but it doesn’t take Rowena long to realize its Dean and she flicks her wrist and he’s thrown against a wall. Just then Sam arrives and puts witch-proof handcuffs on her, she says he knows these don’t hold her for long and he responds they’ll hold her long enough for their purposes.
Crowley’s trying to endear himself to Amara and keeps providing a series of demons for her to consume their souls. The King Of Hell sits next to her looking pleased and the child says that God created a world where people suffer and they die and asks why people would want to live like that? Crowley says that together they can reconstruct the world and turn everybody evil. Amara looks at him quizzically and asks if that’s what he really wants? Crowley contemplates that for a minute then says his greatest satisfaction’s watching greed and want turn people evil. Amara says it’s more than about Heaven and Hell and people and Crowley asks her what else is there? She says he’s missing the big picture and says she’s hungry again.
Rowena and “THE BOYS” arrive the Men Of Letters building and Dean tells Sam to grab Castiel so Rowena can break the spell. When Sam leaves the room the witch says to Dean that he forgot to thank her for removing the Mark Of Cain from his arm. Dean’s eyes get dark and she asks what’s troubling him so and what did Dean Winchester unleash upon the world? We realize she’s clueless about the Darkness.
Sam returns saying that Cas escaped and the three of them get into the Impala and track the Angel via the GPS on his cellphone. Rowena says that if Sam kept his word that they wouldn’t be on this ridiculous chase and Dean asks what she’s referring to. Always enjoying stirring up a hornet’s nest the witch tells Dean that Sam promised to kill Crowley if she rid Dean of the Mark. It looks like the brother’s are going to get into another argument about keeping secrets, when they locate Cas.
The Angel’s looking rough as he walks through an alley. We see a young woman walking through the same area and she turns around to see Castiel standing behind her and growling. The woman tries to flee but every door she sees is locked until she’s lucky enough to find a steel-reinforced door to a warehouse unlocked and she hides in their and locks the door. Castiel soon realizes where she’s hiding and he’s able to bash down the door and get into the building.
The lackey that failed to kill Rowena’s now Amara’s new nanny complete with apron. Crowley tells him he’s doing a remarkable job, but the lackey tries to get reassigned. The King Of Hell says his choices are staying in his present position or roast on a spit for all of eternity. He then tells the nanny that they’re going to cut back on Amara’s soul-intake as they don’t want her growing too fast. He tells the lackey that it’s his job to break the news to the child.
Sam Dean and Rowena are in the alley looking for Cas when they hear a repeating banging sound coming from one of the building’s and Dean takes off to investigate it telling Rowena and Sam to follow him. The witch says she can’t do any running in heels.
Castiel finds the woman and at this point the Angel’s lost all control and he’s like a raging animal. He grabs the young woman by the throat and starts choking her but Dean shows up a couple of seconds later and somehow talks Cas into letting the woman go. After she runs away Dean tries to calm the Angel down but Cas starts mercilessly pummeling Dean until we hear Rowena’s voice utter the first word of her incantation.
She stands there silently and Sam holds a pistol to her head saying the gun’s got witch-killing bullets in the chambers. She completes the recitation and Cas falls to the floor unconscious. As Dean rushes to his side Rowena makes her escape.
Back in the Men Of Letters Building Dean’s holding an ice-bag against his bruised and swollen face and trying to kill the pain with beer. Cas says that there aren’t words to express how sorry he is. Dean says none are needed as it was the spell that Rowena cast on him that made him attack Dean.
The final scene’s in Crowley’s throne-room as he walks in and sees the dead body of the nanny lying on the floor. He walks into Amara’s room and she’s morphed again this time into a teenager of about 13. She tells Crowley that she’s hungry and he says she’ll get fed soon, but first they need to talk. Amara glares at Crowley and repeats that she said she was hungry and the screen fades to black.
The Story Continues Next Wednesday Night at 9:00 pm on The CW.