1507 Episode recaps
Forever: The Theory Of Relatives
1163 Forever
Cuba Gooding Jr. To Play Jo Martinez’s Boyfriend On Forever
Photo Courtesy Of Entertainment Weekly.com Warning: Major Spoiler Alert Rumors have floated for weeks that Detective Jo Martinez would gain a new love
1169 Episode recaps
Forever: He’s Been A Victim Too
Photo Courtesy Of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert There are very few absolutes in life and the longer we live, the more we accept that nothing’s ever truly
1363 Forever
NJATVS Spotlight Forever: How Long Has Adam Stalked Henry?
Photo Courtesy Of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert This year the date of February 3, might rival or surpass Valentine’s Day On February 14, in anticipation
1421 Forever
The Grass Roots Campaign To Renew Forever
Image Courtesy Of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alerts Since “Not Just Another TV Site,” started publishing, we’ve had the pleasure of recapping some tremendous
1294 Episode recaps
Forever: Diamonds, Diamonds, Who Stole The Diamonds?
Photo Courtesy Of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert Although NYPD Medical Examiner Henry Morgan, keeps his private life private, the same can be said for his
1362 Episode recaps
Forever: Kill Or Be Killed
Picture Courtesy Of ABC/Giovanni Rufino Warning: Spoiler Alert When we last saw Doctor Henry Morgan, Medical Examiner for the NYPD, he was coming to grips
1520 Episode recaps
Forever: Immortal Stalker’s Identity Revealed
forever-royal-scam-leads-to-murder-2 Episode recaps
Forever: Royal Scam Leads To Murder
Photo Courtesy Of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert After a one-week hiatus, the ABC series “Forever,” returned to the airwaves on Tuesday night, with an episode
forever-sax-player-s-song-costs-son-his-life Episode recaps
Forever: Sax Player’s Song Costs Son His Life