wayward-pines-are-we-dead-2 Episode recaps
Wayward Pines: Are We Dead?
Photo Courtesy of FOX Warning: Spoiler Alert The eighth episode of the FOX Network series “Wayward Pines,” begins with the calm before the storm, as we
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Wayward Pines: Was It A Mistake?
Photo Courtesy Of FOX Warning: Spoiler Alert The true barometer of a good mystery is when the author sends you down one path and eventually deposits you
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Wayward Pines: Humanity’s Last Stand?
Photo Courtesy Of FOX Warning: Spoiler Alert Underestimating one’s opponent can prove to be a fatal flaw, a lesson that goes back to Biblical Times, when
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Wayward Pines: Who Are The True Monsters?
Photo Courtesy Of Sergei Bachlakov/Fox Warning: Spoiler Alert Once again the creative team behind the FOX Network Summer series “Wayward Pines,” pulled
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Wayward Pines: They’re Our Replacements
Photo Courtesy Of Sergei Bachlakov/Fox Warning: Spoiler Alert Who truly are the monsters on the FOX Network Summer series “Wayward Pines,” the Abbies or
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Wayward Pines: Eve Of Destruction?
Photo Courtesy Of FOX Warning: Spoiler Alert The FOX Network mini-series “Wayward Pines,” has set the table for a truly spectacular finale, with a taut
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Wayward Pines: Don’t Anger The Man Behind The Curtain
Courtesy of FOX Warning: Spoiler Alert The townspeople gather on main street. A reckoning is afoot. Ethan marches Kate to the platform, knife pressed against her throat.
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Wayward Pines: Freedom Or Safety, Not Both
Courtesy of FOX Warning: Spoiler Alert Ethan frantically carries his injured son into the hospital. Pam greets him and tries to put his mind at ease by
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Wayward Pines: The Dissenters Have A Plan And It Comes With Collateral Damage
Courtesy of FOX Warning: Spoiler Alert Ethan spent the night contemplating what he now knows. In the morning Theresa comes downstairs to find him in the
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Wayward Pines: The Children Are The Future
Courtesy of FOX Warning: Spoiler Alert Ethan Burke wakes up in the woods just as a figure escapes from view. He ventures out and the figure is not gone.