1578 Tv series overview
Jessica Jones Lands Knockout Punch
Photo Courtesy Of Netflix Warning: Spoiler Alert With just over a month remaining in 2015, it looks like it’s a pretty safe bet to declare the new Netflix
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Daredevil: The Vigilante Becomes A Symbol
Photo Courtesy Of Netflix Warning: Spoiler Alert Father Lantom presides over Ben Urich’s funeral. Matt and Karen are present, but oddly enough, Foggy is not.
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Daredevil: Casualties Of A War Not Yet Fought
Courtesy of Netflix Warning: Spoiler Alert Karen walks outside of wherever Wesley took her. She stands at the water’s edge. With a gaze that seems to say
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Daredevil: Every Action Has A Consequence
Courtesy of Netflix Warning: Spoiler Alert We begin with Fisk carrying Vanessa into the emergency room of a hospital. Wesley has called for their doctor
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Daredevil: The Betrayal That Could Derail A Friendship, Permanently
Courtesy of Netflix Warning: Spoiler Alert Matt wakes up the day following the significant beating he took at the hands of Nobu and Fisk.
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Daredevil: The Devil Is In The Details
Courtesy of Netflix Warning: Spoiler Alert We begin tonight’s episode with the man in the mask fighting a ninja like character in a red hood.
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Daredevil: Men Like Fisk, Are Created
Courtesy of Netflix Warning: Spoiler Alert The opening sequence has Fisk waking from a dream. He rolls out to the edge of the bed to stare at his ‘rabbit
1331 Agents of s h i e l d
Agents of SHIELD: Cooperation Is A Necessary Evil
Courtesy of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert Raina wakes up abruptly following a vision of Coulson, Ward, Skye, Lincoln and Hydra. Jiaying is sitting at her bedside.
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Daredevil: Beyond Fisk, There Is A War Coming
Courtesy of Netflix Warning: Spoiler Alert A man in a suit races down a building’s stairwell. He gets to an office and arms himself with a big handgun.
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Daredevil: Foes Become Allies In Their Pursuit of Fisk
Courtesy of Netflix Warning: Spoiler Alert Matt Murdock stands with his hands up, back facing officers, dressed as the man in the black mask.