agents-of-shield-chaos-brings-order-sort-of-2 Agents of s h i e l d
Agents of SHIELD: Chaos Brings Order…Sort Of
Courtesy of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert In the aftermath of Jiaying’s ploy to start a war and pin its fallout on Gonzalez, Skye tells Simmons to leave.
agents-of-shield-jiaying-ambassador-for-peace-or-the-assassin-who-killed-franz-ferdinand-2 Agents of s h i e l d
Agents of SHIELD: Jiaying, Ambassador For Peace Or The Assassin Who Killed Franz Ferdinand?
Courtesy of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert We start this week with a flashback. Both of the Koenig’s, Tripp, Skye in training from May, Fitz showing some improvement
1331 Agents of s h i e l d
Agents of SHIELD: Cooperation Is A Necessary Evil
Courtesy of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert Raina wakes up abruptly following a vision of Coulson, Ward, Skye, Lincoln and Hydra. Jiaying is sitting at her bedside.
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Agents of SHIELD: The Devil You Know Is Better Than The Devil You Don’t.
Courtesy of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert Operation: Fitz Extraction goes off without a hitch. New SHIELD’s tails were no match for a cloaked Quinjet.
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Agents of SHIELD: Melinda the Cavalry and Daisy the Daughter
Courtesy of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert The title of this episode suggests that this will be Melinda May heavy, starting with a flashback to happily married May.
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Agents of SHIELD: Nothing But A Family Thing
Courtesy of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert Last week May forced Coulson out before the other SHIELD could retain him. He was met by the recently escaped Hunter.
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Agents of SHIELD: A Family Divided
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Agents of Shield: The Team Is Resolute Despite New Information
Courtesy of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert We have a Lady Sif episode, probably more to it than that, but who doesn’t love a Lady Sif episode?
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Agents of SHIELD: The Fallout Did Not End With Tripp
Courtesy of ABC Warning: Spoiler Alert Right out of the gate, we are introduced to what might become the season’s big bad and Skye’s mother more than 20 years ago.
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The First Annual NOTTIE AWARDS
Collage Created By Jason Jones It’s that time of year, when everybody’s coming out with their “Best-Of Lists” and we are adding yet another list to the pile.