the-flash-leveling-the-playing-field-2 Episode recaps
The Flash: Leveling The Playing Field
Courtesy of The CW Warning: Spoiler Alert While the team tries to regroup after the events of last week, Cisco has been doing some prying.
1216 Episode recaps
The Flash: I. Am. Grodd. Fear. Me.
Courtesy of The CW Warning: Spoiler Alert Tonight we are blessed with an Iris West monologue voice over, incredible. Can you sense my sarcasm.
1267 Episode recaps
The Flash: Accept The Balance
Courtesy of The CW Warning: Spoiler Alert When we last left Central City, the STAR Labs team devised a plan to separate Dr. Stein from Ronnie.
1162 Episode recaps
The Flash: Dynamics Are Changing And Bigger Bad Guys Are Emerging
Courtesy of The CW Warning: Spoiler Alert Cisco: Dude. That was insane. I mean, even I’m having a hard time getting mad at you for dirtying up my suit.