the-last-ship-healing-and-loss-2 Episode recaps
The Last Ship: Healing and Loss
Courtesy of TNT Warning: Spoiler Alert Michener: This is President Jeffrey Michener addressing all Americans from the Navy ship the USS Nathan James.
the-last-ship-let-slip-the-dogs-of-war-2 Episode recaps
The Last Ship: Let Slip The Dogs Of War
Courtesy of TNT Warning: Spoiler Alert Slattery, Gator, and Foster brainstorm over what is the best course of action pertaining to the pursuit of Ramsey’s sub.
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The Last Ship: Here. I. Am.
Photo Courtesy of TNT Warning: Spoiler Alert The Nathan James and their Cobra team try to pick of the proverbial pieces in the aftermath of Sean Ramsey’s
1347 Episode recaps
The Last Ship: POTUS Extraction
Courtesy of TNT Warning: Spoiler Alert Chandler circles back without breaking eye contact with the Brits and their new pawn to meet with his undercover crew.
fan-boat-2 Episode recaps
The Last Ship: Florida Adds Scope To The Sub Problem
Courtesy of TNT Warning: Spoiler Alert Sean and Ned observe some Americans working outside of a large building. Declan does the math on 5% of the American
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The Last Ship: Misdirection
Courtesy of TNT Warning: Spoiler Alert We begin tonight with Niels’ escorted onto the mysterious submarine. Dating back to the cold open of last week’s
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The Last Ship: An International Band Of Thieves
Courtesy of TNT Warning: Spoiler Alert We begin with a flashback, five months previous. A crewman on a different military ship succumbs to the virus.
the-last-ship-is-cdr-tom-chandler-the-george-washington-of-the-new-america-2 Njatvs speculation
The Last Ship: Is CDR Tom Chandler The George Washington Of The New America?
Images Courtesy of TNT and The History Channel On this great American holiday that signifies the end of the old America and the beginning of the United
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The Last Ship: Norfolk Brings Mixed Results
Courtesy of TNT Warning: Spoiler Alert Neil Sorensen (patient zero) makes his reappearance since season 1, washed up on a nearby beach. Not sick and apparently
the-last-ship-end-the-tyranny-take-back-the-ship-2 Episode recaps
The Last Ship: End The Tyranny, Take Back The Ship
Courtesy of TNT Warning: Spoiler Alert Almost as year ago we began a journey to stop a planet wide epidemic. 80% of the population already lost and a single