1598 Episode recaps
Person Of Interest: This Was Not An Attack This Was A Test
Photo Courtesy Of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert Let’s address the elephant in the room before we proceed with this recap. After four seasons of consistently
1602 Episode recaps
Person Of Interest: I Will Not Fail You Now
Photo Courtesy Of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert We might be just a little over a week away from a brand new world, run by an Artificial Intelligence System
1561 Episode recaps
Person Of Interest: Counting On A Friend In Time Of Need
Photo Courtesy Of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert Are we stuck with a predestined future, failing to alter our fate even if we change our ways?
1494 Episode recaps
Person Of Interest: How Can You Hide When A God Wants To Find You?
Photo Courtesy Of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert “Rest up, we need you ready for battle” John Reese to Root, Search And Destroy. That’s what it’s come down
1620 Episode recaps
Person Of Interest: Sisters Are Doing it For Themselves
Photo Courtesy Of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert There’s always been a strong female presence on the CBS series “Person Of Interest,” even when that presence
1552 Episode recaps
Person Of Interest: Seeking Closure Through Vengeance
Photo Courtesy Of Giovanni Rufino/Warner Bros. Warning: Spoiler Alert Loss has become a reoccurring theme on the CBS series “Person Of Interest,” both
1485 Episode recaps
Person Of Interest: The Girl’s Got Skills
Photo Courtesy Of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert Samantha Groves aka Root, made her first appearance on the CBS Series “Person Of Interest,” as a number selected
1213 Episode recaps
Person Of Interest: Harold Nearly Gets Played By Samaritan Agent
Photo Courtesy Of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert Something’s been missing from the fourth season of the CBS series “Person Of Interest,” it took me until moments
1268 Episode recaps
Person Of Interest: Finch Gets Jury Duty
Photo: Courtesy Of CBS Warning: Spoiler Alert Times are trying for Harold Finch and John Reese currently as they went into this week’s installment of the
1307 Episode recaps
Person Of Interest: The Search For Shaw Leads To Maple, N.Y.