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Gotham: Wayne Enterprises Keeping Secrets
Photo Courtesy Of FOX Warning: Spoiler Alert Unless you’ve cut yourself off from society for the past six months, you’re aware that the new Fox series
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Gotham: Do You Really Believe Gotham Can Be Saved?
Photo Courtesy of Jessica Miglio/FOX Warning: Spoiler Alert The Arkham Asylum’s played a prominent role in the Batman mythos for decades, depicted in the
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Gotham: Vigilante Tries To Clean Up City
Photo Courtesy Of Fox Warning: Spoiler Alert This was the show I expected coming out of the gates, someone removed the training wheels off of the new Fox
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Gotham: Homeless Teens Abducted?
Photo Courtesy Of Fox Warning: Spoiler Alert The second episode of the new Fox series “Gotham” gave viewers a brief glimpse into the world of homeless
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Tonight: Gotham-Selina Kyle
Courtesy of Fox Tonight on Gotham we will delve further into the motivation and drive behind Fish Mooney. And perhaps, get a better grasp of the power
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Gotham: An Epic Tale Begins
Photo Courtesy Of Fox Warning: Spoiler Alert The overriding feeling this viewer got watching the premiere episode of the new Fox series “Gotham,” was every
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NJATVS Preview: Gotham
Photo Courtesy Of Fox Warning: Spoiler Alert Once A Fanboy, Always A Fanboy! This writer grew up in what’s known as the “Silver Age Of Comic Books” (approximately