Photo Courtesy of TNT
Warning: Spoiler Alert
The Nathan James and their Cobra team try to pick of the proverbial pieces in the aftermath of Sean Ramsey’s little charade in New Orleans. Cobra team continues to pull bodies out of the water who would prefer to be saved by anyone else. The Nathan James is picking up audio from all around and the overwhelming consensus is the Ramsey ploy has worked…for now.
Shortly thereafter, the Nathan James picks up a broadcast intended for everyone. Sean Ramsey himself spewing more and more deliberate lies in an effort to win the loyalty of the people suffering. Every sentence is a lie. The message is difficult to take and all those on the Nathan James observing it seem to have a difficult time keeping their cool. He does however, reference that the Commander of the Nathan James has ‘stolen’ the President. This prompts President Michener to volunteer to speak to the people about the truth. The truth about the Ramsey’s, Chandler, and the Nathan James. Just as soon as they take over Ramsey’s network that is. Like most of us, I am giving President Michener the benefit of the doubt, even if he’s given numerous small hints to the notion that he might not be completely on-board.
Cobra team continues on the beach tending to the wounded. Tex uses a handheld device to measure the strength of the network’s signal. Flea claims the signal is strongest based on whose phone is closest by. Suggesting that each phone works as a signal extender. Tex finds the signal to get stronger near Flea. Then quickly realizes the signal is 100% off shore behind Flea. Off in the distance is a ling of seagulls sitting in the water in a perfect line. I’d love to think it’s the sub, but that would be too easy.
The Nathan James sends out a UAV to search for the source of the signal. Meanwhile, President Michener begins recording his address to the people. FDR’s Pearl Harbor Address or JFK’s Inaugural it is not, but it is a moving address considering the circumstances.
The UAV reports back that the signal is emitting from an oil rig in the middle of the water. From all appearances, there is no one on the rig. Cobra team descends on the rig quickly and quietly. They find the communication center in short order. However, there is a snag. While plenty is can be sent this way, Granderson has found no existence of the use of Bluetooth. Then a figure pops out of a hatch and tries the run. The truly funny part is that she pulled a handgun on Cobra team. Each member of which could take her out before she even decided to do something with her little handgun. The girl in the red hair is Valkyrie.
With weapons at the ready, Chandler begins to question Valkyrie (or Valerie) about what she thinks she knows. Why is it always the brilliant ones who think they need to spread the ‘truth’? Valkyrie believes that Ramsey is right and that there is a great conspiracy enacted by the U.S. Government. Chandler laughs it off as a ridiculous conspiracy theory by suggesting she left out the part about the aliens from space. Eventually, she listens long enough to hear Chandler ask her to upload the video on the flash drive, where she will hear the truth. This brilliant tool of a wasted mind refuses to assist. So, with the help of Engineer Chang and Lt. Granderson, Chandler gives the order to tear it all down.
Meanwhile on the beach, the transition of the doctored video has been released again. Flea sees it, then notices someone else in the crowd seeing it. He quickly runs over the crowd and points out that the men helping are Navy. This nonsense does exactly what it was intended to. Draws men with guns to turn their attention towards the Viper team and gives Flea an opportunity to escape. The team does what it has to in order to escape, but as Tex put it, he did get “shot in the ***”.
An unidentified civilian boat approaches the rig at some speed. They don’t have much time to react once they’ve discovered a guy in the back with a shoulder mounted RPG. The RPG hits causing a huge explosion with someone engulfed in flames. It then circles the rig. The Nathan James redirects the hero towards the rig. The explosion has even affected the group holding Valkyrie. Granderson looks like she’s in bad shape, Walker appears to be dead and Valkyrie makes a run for it with Chandler on her heels. To make matters worse, there is a natural gas leak that needs to be dealt with. Just as the boat makes its third pass and the man with the RPG reloads for another shot, the helo arrives and takes out the boat with minimal effort. The entire rig is acting like the meteor in Armageddon. Explosions at random all over the rig.
Back on the Nathan James there is chaos as the injuries start coming in. Chang and Ravit on stretchers. Granderson bleeding from her head. Tex shot, but more than happy to get in the back of the line. Granderson and Garnett had a front row seat to watch the lights go out on Lt. Andy Chung. Along the way, Chandler observes all of this under a delusional haze…then he collapses. Chandler took some shrapnel and is bleeding internally.
Sean Ramsey hears the news that some random Americans caught wind that there were Navy personnel on the rig and took it upon themselves to blow it to Kingdom Come. Sean is not angry or even disappointed. In his mind, the message is out and the tide is turning.
Dr. Scott has Chandler stabilized. How long he’ll be out is uncertain. But there are bigger issues of immediate concern. Ravit has some sort of metal shrapnel that’s lodged in her abdomen. The body language alone from those tending to her is not good. Burk hobbles over in time to see it protruding through her back. Regardless of what her intentions for him or his intentions for her may have been, it seems this story of flirtatious resistance might just come to an early end. Burk doesn’t hesitate to attempt to put her frantic concerns at ease. The flirting continues but without the resistance. They all know it’s over, they fight it when her shortness of breath kicks in but eventually the realization washes over everyone. Starting with Ravit. When Dr. Milowsky calls it, the emotions wash over Burk and Wolf.
Dr. Scott tends the Captain’s wounds after he’s come out of his haze. She makes a comment about still possessing the ability to use her skills for good, I rather liked that moment. Then Chandler asks about Ravit. She informs him that he almost became the fifth Sailor lost on this day. His progress from then to now, was a little touch ‘n go. The Captain refuses to go under for surgery for obvious reasons. His stubbornness only opens the door for a human moment between these two. A sentiment that has been missing since the Niels investigation. Chandler thanks her sincerely and she departs.
Everyone able, Chandler and Valkyrie included, attend a ceremony headed by CMC Jeter. In reverence to the fallen Sailors. Jeter puts their memory and their service front and center and finishes each line with the same three words, “and still we answer the call, here I am. Today we grieve, but tomorrow we answer the call. Here I am.”
At the conclusion of the ceremony, Valkyrie stands up and approaches a clearly wounded Captain. He went back for her because they need her. And in some way wanted her to see firsthand who they are. She admits that despite her hubris, there is still a lot she doesn’t know. Chandler formally asks for her help. Fade to black before she can answer.