Courtesy of USA Network
Warning: Spoiler Alert
A lawyer informs Fernando that with all the information the DA has, he’s looking at years in prison. A notion not well received by Fernando or his brother. They also learn that an anonymous tip is what landed him in the predicament he’s currently in. Before the end of the scene, Fernando believes he knows who the anonymous tip is.
F_society sit in a coffee shop. They don’t say anything to each other, then Mr. Robot stands up. As he walks up to the counter he bumps into a few people and they seem to respond to him with their body language. One of which was done on purpose to life a security key card.
Elliot sits inside Steel Mountain hoping to get a tour from Bill Harper, who has level 1 security clearance. The exchange is awkward. When Bill gives Elliot the pass by, Elliot suggests Bill look him up. Mr. Robot gives Elliot what to say and Elliot reiterates that Bill look him up. Elliot begins to leave. Bill looks him up and reads the fake Wikipedia page and almost immediately calls for “Mr. Sepiol” to hold on.
Angela packs up her things while Ollie tries to win her back in the moment. Eventually, he suggests that what she’s done (uploading the disc to All Safe) will ruin her life. She agrees that it might, but it will also ruin his. Then she drops his security card on the bed in front of him. When he finally pieces it together, he is part flabbergasted, part in disbelief.
During the tour of Steel Mountain, Elliot is almost unresponsive to anything Bill says. He does take note of what floor data storage is on. Mr. Robot, tells Elliot they need to dump Bill to get to his supervisor. Elliot needs to break Bill down. Before he says anything, we see a vision of Elliot’s mother knocking young Elliot to the floor demanding he answer her. When she says he’s worthless, something clicks in Elliot’s mind. Elliot starts in on Bill suggesting that he doesn’t matter and if he died, no one would care. He demands that Bill call someone who matters, because he doesn’t. This was actually a difficult scene to watch.
The more senior supervisor they were hoping to get did not come in to work today. It seems there’s a new baby in the family. Mrs. Davis, the replacement supervisor is a virtual ghost. Nothing online, nothing to utilize. They send her text that makes her go, figuratively white. She leaves, allowing Elliot to roam free.
Elliot needs to double back and go the way he came to access the proper stair case to get to level 2. He enters a door only to find Wellick standing in front of him.
Shayla has started a new job as a server in what appears to be a country themed bar and grill.
Elliot watches a Steel Mountain commercial advertising their security services. He starts walking with Wellick. Inner Elliot is concerned that Wellick somehow knew he was going to be there. Elliot gives a line about doing a routine data check for All Safe. Wellick extends a lunch invitation that Elliot is forced to agree with. Elliot needs to attack Wellick’s vulnerability. He questions that Wellick would actually eat at a company cafeteria. This gets them on the other side of the building. Wellick begins to break down the waiter to Elliot in the same fashion that Elliot would break down someone he’s hacked.
Security guards approach making Elliot very uneasy. They’re there to see Wellick. They drop off a folder of something for Elliot to sign. Elliot excuses himself to the restroom where he urgently throws up. Through a cracked door in the restroom, Elliot finds an access panel. He quickly splices wires but jets back into the restroom just before Wellick walks in. Facing the urinal, Wellick says that he knows that Elliot framed Terry Colby. The good news is that Wellick has no interest in turning Elliot in, he just wanted to know Elliot’s weakness. He condescends to Elliot before leaving in his helicopter. Elliot takes a deep breath and resumes his work on the access panel.
Angela pays her Dad a visit. He had just gotten off the phone with Ollie who was sobbing and relaying cryptic messages. Dad is on her side, even offers to give her some money in the meantime. She can’t bring herself to give any information about what has really happened.
Darlene and f_society specifically has been booted from the Dark Army iRC channel. She finds Cisco at a library he apparently works at guns blazing. He tries to quietly convince her that the plan is dead. Whatever pull the Dark Army had on this ‘plan’, was removed before they ever hit Steel Mountain.
The Wellick’s have dinner with the man who Wellick has pegged as the new CTO of Evil Corp and his wife. The women are friendly as one might expect. Tyrell is a little more blunt and brings up the CTO position almost abruptly. Mr. Knowles sees right through this.
Mr. Knowles: If you were me, would you trust you to be my second in command?
Wellick: If I were you, I wouldn’t have even let me in the house.
Shayla calls Elliot on his way back from Steel Mountain. She’s content with her progress at her new job. Elliot, seemingly happy, tells her he’s had a good day. He did what he had to do.
Mrs. Wellick shows interest in Mr. Knowles’ affection for wine. Again, one cordial conversation is contrasted by a crass one. Tyrell asks Mrs. Knowles how she doesn’t blow her brains out being married to Mr. Knowles. She doesn’t enjoy his honesty and excuses herself. Tyrell later excuses himself and walks right into the bathroom that Mrs. Knowles is using. He stands in front of her (while she’s still on the toilet) but says nothing. She rocks back in her seat. He thanks her for a wonderful evening then walks out.
Back at f_society HQ, Darlene tells Mr. Robot (directly) that the Dark Army has pulled out. Darlene running hot, decides they should proceed without the Dark Army. This incites a rage we haven’t seen from Mr. Robot to this point. “We don’t want to hurt them, we want to kill them” as he throws a cpu on the floor smashing it. She jumps on another terminal and starts typing again. Mr. Robot pleads with her to not do what she is trying to do.
Elliot walks over and doesn’t say anything, but she gets the message to not proceed. She blames herself for the setback. Elliot offers for her to stay at his place. This might complicate things as Shayla is expecting some quality time and he ignored a phone call from her since the last time they spoke.
Inner Elliot tells a story of a time he and his father played hookey. A trip to the beach in cold weather. Later, Elliot poured out the sand from his shoes onto his bedroom floor inciting a motherly rage. Meanwhile, Angela packs up some books (presumably at her father’s house) and finds final notice statements from Evil Corp. She walks downstairs to mention it to her father. She sees him sitting somber at his desk and can’t do it. She instead ops to go for a run.
Elliot gets to his apartment and the door is once again broken open. On the floor is a cell phone that has begun ringing. The voice on the phone is Fernando. He is just slightly arrogant with is ‘sometimes the universe aligns perfectly’ bit. No information on Shayla, but clearly Elliot fears the worst.