Courtesy of FOX
Warning: Spoiler Alert
Ethan spent the night contemplating what he now knows. In the morning Theresa comes downstairs to find him in the kitchen still pondering what he discovered the night before. Despite instructions from Pilcher, Ethan decides to gradually tell Theresa enough to get her to stop considering a move back to Seattle. As we’ve discovered from ‘group A’, she just can’t wrap her head around the idea. She predictably thinks he’s been somehow brainwashed. He tries to explain that what he’s telling her came from what he saw with this own eyes and not a drug induced haze from a treatment at the hospital. He mentions the ‘creatures’ and even the bombshell that it’s not the 21st century. The number ‘4028’ is actually the date. Shortly thereafter, they all get in Ethan’s truck and he notices something peculiar.
Ethan suggests they start walking. In short order, Ethan finds the culprit under the hood. Ethan takes the metal cylinder to his new office and discovers what looks like a small amount of C4. Pam walks in after Ethan pulls a file from the hiding spot in the floor.
On the walk to school, Theresa clings to Ben as she has since they arrived. Ben, unlike Theresa knows and has embraced the truth. He has accepted this fate and is good with it. Theresa’s mind can’t seem to get past the Seattle that no longer exists. Theresa tries to follow Ben inside the building but Mrs. Fisher won’t permit it.
On her way back from the school, Theresa again stops at Lot 33. Despite its plain appearance, she finds what appears to be a trap door in the ground.
Ethan meets with Franklin (the man from the file). He finds a way to bring up Franklin’s previous experience with explosive demolition, which prompts Franklin to leave abruptly.
Mrs. Fisher begins their Biology lesson by encouraging the children to open their text books and snicker if they’d like. This appears to be a lesson in sex education as procreation is the most important job the kids of Wayward Pines have. Reliving a sex ed class is very awkward to relive. The creepy factor rises a little when Mrs. Foster suggests that part of her job is to help them find their eventual mate.
Ethan finds Harold meeting with Franklin shortly after Ethan’s meeting with Franklin. After some small talk, Ethan asks Harold why he found a bomb in his truck then ask Harold to accompany him to the Sheriff’s office. Once outside, Harold tosses a pedestrian towards Ethan in the hopes of escaping. Harold doesn’t get very far.
Behind closed doors Ethan and Harold chat. Harold doesn’t admit to anything but does suggest that taking down the wall wouldn’t be a bad thing. “Don’t you want to get out, anywhere?” Ethan turns it back around to the ‘group’ of those trying to take down the wall. Specifically asking for names. Harold predictably jumps on the grenade taking credit for everything. Ethan writes a note intended for Kate, adding further confusion for Harold.
Clearly the note was to meet with Ethan as soon as possible. Kate is absolutely the leader, but we already knew that. We flashback to one of if not the first meeting of this clandestine group, then Ethan asks her to stop. Then she asks the magic question. “Why would I stop?” Ethan explains just enough. It’s not the 21st century out there. Kate seems to take this as more lies and she gets distant quick. Ethan gives her the ultimatum to cease and desist, but one must believe that’s not going to happen.
Amy catches up with Mrs. Foster to discuss Ben. Not as an assignment, but that Amy is legitimately falling for Ben and is considering taking their not quite relationship to the next level. Or in other words adding a level of physical intimacy into the equation.
Kate returns to the toy store and heads to the back. She and Harold believe ‘they got to’ Ethan. As we learned in the flashback episode, the adult mind refuses to accept the new reality. Kate decides to advance the time-table. They take the wall down tonight. But before that, its their turn for their annual fertility assessment. It’s obvious that the powers that be are intent on progressing towards that first completely original generation. Kate and Harold play the part well, but at the very least Pam is becoming suspicious.
Theresa and Kate accidentally meet in an elevator. After a short uncomfortable pause, Theresa asks to talk. About Ethan. They share what they know and accepting the truth is not on the table. To further complicate things, Kate tells of the only phone call she was able to successfully make to an outside like. There was a message from Ressler. Kate was entering a governmental program and would be severely tested. Possibly from another agent. And that her good-bye felt final.
Ethan pulls up right as Amy outlines her plan for her and Ben’s romantic evening.
Kate’s group attempts to set their charges when Ethan breaks up the party. Franklin disarms the bomb and Ethan accompanies them all to their respective holding cells. Kate doesn’t back down. She let’s be know very clearly that whatever this is, it’s only just begun. Once Ethan deduces that Harold is in charge of the backup bomb, she stands even more firm.
Ben makes his escape from the house (quite nimbly I might add) to meet up with Amy. They wait for the delivery truck to pull up. The same delivery truck that possesses said backup bomb. With the assistance of Pam and a very Dark Knight-esque surveillance system they locate Harold and the delivery truck driver passing a package. That package is in the delivery truck currently. Which is where Ben and Amy are. Amy finds the package and opens it. Another Ballinger original music box, which Amy uses as ambiance. Amy pulls Ben down behind a stack of sand bags and the kissing begins.
Ethan pursues that lead, but a group of Kate’s followers set up a roadblock to slow him down. It did, but just enough. Just as Ethan arrives on foot behind the delivery truck the little ballerina stops and the back-end of the truck blows up before Ethan can get there. After the explosion, Ethan finds Amy. Then shortly thereafter an unconscious Ben.