Courtesy of TNT
Warning: Spoiler Alert
Neil Sorensen (patient zero) makes his reappearance since season 1, washed up on a nearby beach. Not sick and apparently not a threat to these people just trying to stay disease free, but there is a sense he may be hiding something. They have no idea.
Chandler and his team comb through the White House, searching for anything or anyone of value. Meanwhile, Dr. Scott reports via video conference with the CDC as to their progress. A slight but obvious smile creeps in with the plan to mass produce the vaccine and distribute it all along the eastern seaboard.
While the ship attempts to brush itself of and lick its wounds, Chandler knows some adjustments need to be made. Despite Lt. Foster’s pregnant status, standing operating procedure that a pregnant sailor after 20 weeks cannot remain at sea, Chandler offers her a promotion out of necessity. Based solely on her qualifications to do the job. Next he and CMC Jeter confer about the status of Lt. Granderson, following the stress of being shot and losing her dictator mother. She is recovering physically, but is in no position to speak to anyone.
The crew was able to decrypt a file they secured from their ‘field trip’ to the White House. The result was an infection map. A map of the United States that shows levels of infected. Naturally, the coasts are the most concentrated. As Foster zooms into Norfolk, their next stop, 70% infection rate. They also view a video file where they Secretary of the Navy eludes to the notion that there is a ‘new network’ of facilities selected to mass produce the vaccine. Within this video file, are codes that correspond to the secure locations of these new facilities.
What feels like entire Nathan James starts working on nailing down the viability of these facilities. The tone in the room would suggest they’re not having the best luck. Then Dr. Scott’s expression perks up. Not only does it seem like good news, but the person on the other end of the line is specifically familiar.
Back to Sorensen on the beach and the status is dramatically different. As patient zero he is also a carrier. There is death and infection all around.
Tex helps Bacon train with some good old-fashioned heavy bag work. 20 pounds in 20 days. Dr. Scott enters the area just as they wrap up. She strikes up conversation with Tex about being onboard again. He gives a lazy excuse about preferring the ship as his ride when she cuts him off. She asserts that he cares about these people more than he lets on. Dr. Scott’s alluring nature notwithstanding, he locks up. Then admits that his reason for leaving was his daughter. This is clearly a sensitive subject.
Slattery and Jeter debrief the crew about what’s next. They will be landing in Norfolk soon and with that comes a two-fold mission. Search for survivors and hopefully family. There is optimism as they approach. Seals, sailors and pilots. While the presence of military personnel is a positive, the news of survivors and specifically survivors related to the Nathan James crew is less so.
Chandler gives one of his resounding speeches to those military personnel. A motivating moment in where if they execute this particular mission correctly, it could tip the scales in their favor. What follows is footage of the various pilots and crew taking off in various directions. You don’t even need to have any connection to the military to feel a sense of pride and patriotism with a scene like that.
Jeter pays Lt. Granderson a visit. Her depression and hate is palpable. Her frustration on some level is misdirected and Jeter tries to alleviate some of that burden. Whether it helped or not, is yet to be seen.
The teams have broken up to secure the various sectors of the city. Foster and Green are in Foster’s old neck of the woods while Slattery and Tex move on Slattery’s territory with Garnett in hers. Foster finds a note that gives her a next direction. A bowling alley. Or more directly, a safe zone. Inside of a minute, we have a Foster reunion. Mother and daughter embrace.
Sorensen is sleeping in a contaminated sleeping bag in a camp site with other survivors. One of which wakes him and demands to know why he’s not sick. Sorensen retorts with, “I could ask you the same question.”
Back on the Nathan James, Dr. Scott confers with someone of note while the seamen around her give updates as to which aircraft has touched down and at what prospective lab site. Michael, Dr. Scott’s husband, was last seen in headed to China.
Slattery and Tex find a campsite of their own to search through. No sign of any human survivors, but Tex does find something interesting. A Slattery family photo album. Finding their personal effects brings out an emotion not yet seen by him.
Foster’s mother, it seems has cleaned up. At least in the better sense of saving those they can. More importantly than that, Kara is having a hard time articulating certain details. Lt. Green is a ‘friend’ and the otherwise glorious news that she was with child was skipped altogether.
Some of the men have found their families and are requesting to stay. A request, it seems, Chandler is willing to grant. Then he drops in on Garnett, who is needless to say not one of group previously mentioned. What she found was evidence that they left. Going through records, mounds of records, and the wrong names in those records. Garnett, normally a stalwart of composure loses it. Understandably so.
In Port St. Lucie, Sorensen finds what feels like a cult based on virus related coincidence. “The Chosen” survivors. Missionaries of the new world.
What’s left of the Chandler clan return to their home. Chandler’s home is remarkably in order. At least compared to the others we’ve seen. Seeing the evidence of his wife, is a little bit more than he can handle. But like the good Commander he is, he internalized and collects himself. He then gives his kids the rest of the truth talk. All pretty straight forward, up until the bombshell that he is resigning his commission to stay with them. His daughter seriously disagrees with his decision. Especially within the context that her mother, Chandler’s wife never would have signed off on it.
Slattery and Tex make their way to Slattery’s old home. Tex identifies that Slattery wants to stay as well. Slattery cannot bring himself to ask the Captain based on what the Captain has already sacrificed. Inside, Slattery leaves a batch of the vaccine and a note that is addressed to “my dearest Christine”.
After restoring power to the bowling alley, Lt. Foster tells her mother that she has to prepare to leave. They share pleasantries, then Lt. Green walks up and extends his hand and says, “it was a pleasure to meet you ma’am.” Mother Foster without warning grabs him and kisses him on the lips.
Mother Foster: Take care of my girl…and the baby.
(She looks at Kara)
Mother Foster: What? You think I don’t know? I’m your mother.
Chandler’s father walks out of the house while Tom Chandler does yard work. He insinuates that Tom is procrastinating because he doesn’t know how to go back to the ship and tell his crew he’s quitting. The hostile conversation that followed was intense but appropriate. Tom feels he can’t leave without his wife to be there on the off-chance that ‘worst case’ rears its ugly head. His father assumes the blame for his wife. Not all burdens are Tom’s to bear.
Jed Chandler: Whether you like it or not, you’re Noah. And that ship is your ark.
Back on the Nathan James, the crew is restocking supplies when Foster and Green return. Garnett appears to be improving emotionally, but embraces a drawing she found that her daughter. It may be premature, but she may also be embracing the acceptance stage of grief. Dr. Scott is not quite there yet. CDR Tom Chandler has reversed his decision and his family seems to be more than alright with it.
Upon his arrival he makes a b-line Granderson’s location. He is joined by Lt. Foster and CMC Jeter. Granderson immediately stands at attention. CDR Chandler tells her that he told her mother they would not be there without her (Alisha Granderson), and that has not changed. He extends a closed fist and she opens her hand. He drops in her hands Lt. bars. She is being promoted to full Lieutenant.
(Chandler approaches Slattery who keeps his gaze off in the distance)
Slattery: You don’t have to say it.
Chandler: I’m glad you’re still with us Mike.
Slattery: You didn’t think about staying with them?
Chandler: It’s all I thought about.
Slattery: You mean I could’ve had my first command?
(They both share a ****eating grin)
Sorensen eavesdropped on a conversation between the head cult leader and the guy who wanted to know whey Sorensen wasn’t sick. He interjects that the ship with a cure is no rumor. Then asks them what they are prepared do about it.