Courtesy of FOX
Warning: Spoiler Alert
Beverly continues to bleed out onto the wooden rig she was executed on as a young girl leaves a single lily at her feet. Sheriff Pope continues to stump for the duty of all citizens to protect the town. The crowd recites the rules while he preaches. Ethan continues to follow the plan despite the hunting party on his trail.
Kate puts on a kettle for tea when Ethan appears out of the darkness of her kitchen. He tries again to appeal to the woman she was, but the ‘reckoning’ paralyzes her and keeps her from reacting with any semblance of humanity towards the execution she just sat through. In a brief moment of clarity, Kate moves in close. Admits that there is blood on her hands and that Ethan got the second chance that most don’t get. Then she hands him his tracking chip. Then the phone rings.
Ethan: You going to answer that?
Kate: They’re not calling for me.
Ethan: Last chance, come with me.
Kate: You’ll never get out of here alive.
Ethan: Watch me.
Ethan makes his way back to 604 Main St to find Beverly’s body handcuffed to the ceiling. He pulls her down and vows to find her daughter and convey how hard she tried to get back to her. Ethan makes his way back to Beverly’s house to find it completely empty. As in ready to show. Just then, a man walks in showing the property to a couple of workers. He stops short and instructs the workers to start upstairs. Ethan comes around the corner. The ‘realtor’ says quietly, “don’t say a word” then gestures to his right. Outside Ethan sees a delivery truck with Wyoming tags.
Theresa (Ethan’s wife) has had enough with the agency run around. Her and son Ben travel to Boise in the hopes of finding him. With or without Kate. At the Boise field office she tries to get somewhere with a secretary. At first she doesn’t get anywhere but appeals to her sense of revenge if her husband is with another woman. The secretary tries to find some information from her supervisor. Meanwhile Theresa hacks the computer using Ethan’s login. She finds the last item on his expense report then leaves.
They stop at the convenient store of his last purchase. The clerk not only recognizes Ethan from the picture, but also remembers that they were dressed like they were headed to a funeral. Then two kids that look like they belong in The Shining mention an accident near Wayward Pines.
Before then can get to Wayward Pines, Theresa is pulled over. By whom? You guessed it Sheriff Pope. As he approaches the vehicle he casually squirts out a stream of oil from a large syringe. He offers to give her a temporary fix. He instead cuts a line under the hood.
Ethan hides in the back of the delivery truck, unnoticed by the delivery guy. The vehicle eventually comes to a stop. Ethan cautiously gets out onto a very strange looking warehouse. Strangely clean. Strange in general. Another vehicle enters. He notices many dirty cars. He jumps in one that turns out to be Theresa’s car. Inside is a sealed bag that reads, “Burke, Theresa Effects”. Then Pope smashes the window and pulls Ethan out. Pope stabbed him with an injection of some kind, this time Ethan doesn’t make it 10 feet before Sheriff Pope says something curious.
Pope: I don’t know what they see in you.
Ethan wakes to a ringing phone. The voice tells him that his wife and son were just discharged from the hospital. Ethan leaves the room to find Nurse Pam. She informs him that they are probably at home. Suggesting that Ethan Burke has a home in Wayward Pines. One of the nicest properties just opened up last night.
And just like that, all three Burkes embrace in Beverly’s old kitchen. Theresa and Ben don’t remember anything. Then the realtor enters the room to welcome them home. The realtor leans in and mentions the ‘state of the art security system’. The phone rings and Ethan rips the cord from the wall. He asks wife and son to stay inside.
Ethan confronts Sheriff Pope. Breaks the rules in his presence and Pope insists that Ethan does not want to know what’s behind door number three. Then Ethan politely threatens to kill Pope if he comes close to his family again. Then there is an old fashioned testosterone standoff. The phone rings. Then Nurse Pam (ironically at the precinct) tells Pope to stand down. The nurse tells the sheriff to stand down.
Dr. Jenkins intercepts Ethan on his trudge back towards the house. Still more cryptic dialogue. “Everyone in this town is doing the best they can, including you”. Then gives Ethan the hard sell on accepting Wayward Pines as his home with his family. “Not everyone has that”.
Ben sees from an upstairs window Ethan sneak off into the brush with Kate. Then decides to follow. Ethan it seems, only wanted to see how much she knew in regards to Theresa and Ben being in town.
Around the time Theresa notices Ben’s absence, she also notices Sheriff Pope in the kitchen helping himself to their ice cream. The creepy factor that Terrence Howard brings is tangible. He then asks for an thank you. That he does not get. Then Theresa asks him to leave. He obliges, reluctantly.
In the woods, Kate opens up as she wouldn’t in town. The time that’s passed, Kate actually believes is different. Ben returns to inform on his dad to his mom. Which she absolutely seems to be buying. And why wouldn’t she. The vague details line up perfectly. Ethan returns to find her wedding ring. They two new Burkes attempt to walk out of Wayward Pines. Not knowing the rules when Sheriff Pope arrives signalling with his siren. Instead of stopping they hoof it.
They don’t get far. But they get far enough to find the wall. Ethan pursued on foot and tackled Pope before he could talk to Theresa. In the scuffle, Pope eventually gets upright before Ethan. He points his gun at Ethan. Then meets the business end of his own truck with Ben at the wheel. With Pope laid out on the ground Ethan approaches, gun pointed.
Pope: You think you want to know the truth, but you don’t. It’s worse than anything you can imagine.
The camera pulls back as Ethan discharges a round. He then grabs Pope’s keys and finds a keyless entry remote. By pushing a button part of the wall opens up large enough to drive a truck through. Just before they can drive, something pulled Pope’s body under the gate. With the appearance of the wall, I’d love to say it looked like a small dinosaur, but I’m not willing to make that claim yet. Ethan throws it in reverse and high tails it out of there.