Courtesy of ABC and Marvel
Warning: Spoiler Alert
We begin tonight in a creepy dream sequence. Not a device SHIELD has gone to yet, unless you count T.A.H.I.T.I. Skye shoves a music box off a table to prevent Coulson from touching it. She looks up to see Coulson and May acting like an old married couple. May says, “Sacrifices must be made. Poison tree, poison fruit”. Coulson is rocking a baby. Then they leave, to Skye’s horror. Skye picks up the box and she begins to turn to stone, from her finger tips to her neck. Then the real Coulson wakes her up.
Mack drives a remote control ‘Lola’ with a Coulson like driver through the halls of HQ. It runs into Fitz. Who wants Mack to help him with a case for Simmons. Fitz seems moderately excited about it. Mack does not. Mack suggests that Fitz is going to have to talk to Simmons at some point. This triggers Fitz to put up his proverbial wall and walk away.
The team meets on the launch deck of the bus to be debriefed on the next mission. Coulson and Skye relay the information they have on the Obelisk, the carvings and what they have to do with each other. The carvings as we learned earlier are a map. A 3-dimensional map of a city. This city is actually underneath San Juan Puerto Rico. They plan to get there before Hydra does.
In a coffee shop Raina discretely hides with a male patron. It almost feels like she is controlling his mind but I may be reaching on that. She turns and walks to a woman seated at a table. She gets snotty with this woman who looks strikingly like Agent May. When this woman removes her sunglasses we see that she looks almost identical to May. Except the skin around her left eye and cheek area. Then reveals that she works for Whitehaul. Raina runs.
She get’s passed Billy or Sam Koenig who quietly but strongly suggests she take the next right. Where she discovers Billy or Sam Koenig. He asks her to come in for a hug (prefacing that he is not hitting on her). He then pulls out an umbrella which covers all of them and then goes invisible. An ‘invisbrella’ if you will.
Koenig contacts Coulson to update him on the sighting of almost May. Coulson knew immediately that it was Agent 33. The debrief is somewhat predictable and lacking any real important content. However, the Billy Koenig talking professionally to Coulson while Sam Koenig says annoying childish things off camera is quite amusing.
Bobbi finds Simmons prepping her gear and decides to pry just a little. Which may prove to be a good thing. She asks about Fitz and ‘how long they were a thing’? Simmons ironically opens up a little. She never had time to process what Fitz told her in the escape pod. Then when Fitz awoke from his coma, he was confused and all she wanted to do was help her friend. Because after all, she never thought they were anything more. In the end, Bobbi suggests that at the very least she should be honest with him, he deserves that much.
Bobbi is flying the San Juan jet, Mack approaches to bring up the ‘you and Hunter’ conversation again. A conversation that Bobbi wants no part of. It is cryptic in nature. There is something in the works that Mack and Bobbi know about. Her plan is to specifically not bring Hunter into that. Whatever that is. This is conflicting. Mack and Hunter are easily my favorite new additions to season 2. After Ward, I’m not crazy about any team member keeping something to themselves.
Side note. I find it downright hilarious that both Sam and Billy Koenig think that the other is the shorter one.
Skye meets Koenig and Raina in the designated hotel room. They attempt to leave when Skye is intercepted by Agent 33. Quite honestly, what follows may be the best female fight I’ve seen in a while. Agent 33 gets the better of Skye in the end but Hunter is there to tip the scales.
Back on the bus, Mack, Fitz and Simmons tinker with their bags. Mack stands up and informs them that he’s going to check on the landing gear. Fitz has a minor freak out because that would leave him alone with Simmons and deep down he doesn’t think he’s prepared for the conversation that may ensue. Or at least he may not like the result of said conversation.
Fitz: B-b-but why…?
Mack (looks at one then the other): Because the awkward silence in here, is killing me.
The conversation appeared to be heading in the right direction. Simmons blurts out that she didn’t leave because of him. But then Fitz all but demands to go first. He tells her that he will turn the lab over to her and move down to the garage in the bus to work with Mack. That way she can be head of the science division. He can work for her but can’t work with her.
The extraction of Raina continues. In an alley Raina starts probing. Skye hints at the idea that maybe Whitehaul has the Obelisk. Which Raina believes changes things. She tells Skye that according to her father, she could safely touch the Obelisk. Then Raina tries to run toward the Hydra agents. May then hits the Hydra agents with a van.
In San Juan, the team with a little help from Bobbi’s contact, they have located what they believe is an entry point into the underground city. Fitz attempts to explain the situation and even answer Coulson’s question of ‘how long’ after sending in the dwarves. When Fitz stumbles over his own words, Mack intentionally gives zero assistance. Thus forcing him to get it from Simmons. As they wait for information from the dwarves, they go dark. Unresponsive. But the tablet works fine.
Raina is attempting to gain Skye’s trust instead of the other way around. Raina keeps bringing up her father and eventually Skye indicates that she does want to know more. Raina keeps using the word ‘special’. Which Skye interprets as ‘alien’. Raina is adamant that she is human. Human with greater possibilities.
Raina: My grandmother came from a long line of special people who believed in a story. About the blue angels that fell from the heavens. The ancients called them, “The Cree”.
Pardon me as I nerd out a bit. I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT! I’ve been thinking it since Skye identified the carvings as a map. I knew it. Now it’ll be interesting to see what direction they take this in.
Raina also explains that the diviner shows the way for the worthy. But anyone it deems not worthy, well, insert any fatal metaphor. Skye frantically tries to contact Coulson to get them out of there. There is no signal as it seems there will be consistent electric interference. Then there is an incoming message to the bus. Whitehaul has surrounded the bus and demands they lower their shields.
Mack has been lowered down to get the dwarves working again. While down there he finds the dwarves completely unresponsive. He also sees dust covering something on the floor. He moves the dust away and a spot on the floor begins to glow. Then some alien symbols appear on Mack’s hand. He is suddenly thrust into a complete sensation of pain. The better not kill Mack off.
They get Mack back up to the surface and he is still convulsing. Then everything goes quiet. Coulson stands over him just in time to see his eyes go red and hear him clearly say, “run” before knocking Coulson clear across the room. He is essentially possessed and beating the snot out of everything. Bobbi jumps in to distract him and maybe subdue him. Nothing is working. Coulson even shoots him multiple times with the Night-Night gun and it only slows him down.
Mack gains the upper hand on Bobbi and raises her some ten feet in the air by her throat. Coulson attempts to strangle him. This is bad for both Bobbi and Coulson. Then Gemma tries to jump in and she gets tossed toward the hole which leads to whatever did this to Mack. Coulson grabs her. This leave Fitz holding a gun pleading with Mack to wake up. Just then Bobbi jumps on his back electrocuting him with her sticks. He then falls down the hole again.
Coulson: Seal the tunnel.
Bobbi: What?! What about Mack?
Coulson: That wasn’t Mack.
The representative that Whitehaul sends to board the bus and take Raina is none other than the deplorable Grant Ward. Raina gladly agrees. Then Ward turns and says, “you too” as he looks at Skye. He claims to be attempting to keep a promise. That promise being to one day take her to her father. After a lot of resisting, Skye looks and May and declares that this is the only way to minimize loss. She can handle herself.
With Raina secured, Whitehaul meets with Agent 33. The addition of Skye was not in the plans. Furthermore, choosing not to shoot the bus out of the sky was not an option Ward was green lit to take. Whitehaul orders Agent 33 to fix it. She gives the order to shoot the plane down.