Photo Credit: Katie Yu/The CW
Warning: Spoiler Alert
“Supernatural,” fans are well aware that the series features two different types episodes that air throughout each season. There are the shows that advance, the major storyline of the season, which the series used in the first, three-episodes of season ten. (Although with the Demon-Dean Dilemma solved and Castiel, juiced up on stolen grace, this season lacks a major storyline right now.) The other episodes, referred to as “One-Offs,” as Sam and Dean Winchester, step away from their latest mission, to hunt down the monster of the week.
Most times “One-Offs,” perturb longtime fans, as it slows down progressing the main plot, however some of them have been amongst the most entertaining shows, during the series’ run. Some, such as “The French Mistake” and “Changing Channels,” or the “Ghost-Facers” shows are incredibly funny, with lots of meta-humor and inside-jokes. Favorite characters such as Charly, Sheriff Jodi Mills and Garth, have entered fans homes in these type of episodes. Then there are the poignant examples, such as a show from early in season eight, entitled “Bitten,” a departure for the series in many ways.
The Winchester brothers, appeared as peripheral characters in that episode and it’s one of the few episodes, that the viewer experiences the show from a view other than the brothers. The pair enter an apartment, finding two dead bodies and a laptop with a film on it set to play. The film’s basically the diary of three college students, two guys and a girl, and the relationship that develops among the trio, Michael and his new girlfriend Kate and Michael’s roommate and best friend Brian.
The situation gets a bit complicated when Michael’s turned into a werewolf, at first it seems a blessing, his senses are greatly enhanced and he’s got super-strength. However the blood-lust soon kicks in and Michael doesn’t know how to control it. Brian’s a nerd and strikes out consistently with women, so he asks Michael to turn him, but his best friend refuses to do it, due the bad effects. Brian figures out the original werewolf’s a professor at their college and he confronts him and gets him to turn him.
Brian goes nuts with his new powers and he’s harbored a huge crush on Kate since the pair met her together, so he challenges Michael and wins the battle killing his best friend. Kate freaks out, but Brian tells her she’ll soon understand and turns her. Kate understands but doesn’t forgive and kills Brian, leaving a message at the end of the film, that she’ll live out her days feasting on small animals and never chow-down on humans. Dean and Sam, decide not to give chase. Kate came off as an empathetic and sympathetic character and I waked away from that episode wondering what would happen to her.
So it shouldn’t come as a surprise, that I grew quite pleased, when Kate returned in the latest episode entitled “Paper Moon,” but it seemed as if she broke her vow at the end of the film, as three guys in the last month from the same town, got ripped apart and their hearts got eaten by the “Animal,” that attacked them.
We start the episode joining “THE BOYS,” enjoying some rest and relaxation, trying to recharge the batteries after Dean rejoined humanity. They’re sitting lakeside, sporting shades and drinking some cold long-necks. Dean, remarks how great things are, they have some “We Time,” and no concerns or impending doom to fret about. Just as the brothers clink bottles, Dean asks Sam if he read the article in the paper and Sam, lamely tries to pass it off as an animal kill, but Dean says that it’s the third in the same town in a month. The younger brother says they should call some guys and get it taken care of, but Dean suggests they handle it. Sammy agrees, on the condition that if his older brother feels the least bit off, they stop.
The Winchesters ditch their usual gray suits and FBI ID’s, opting to come to the town in Washington State as Game Wardens and town officials are happy to see them. The local sheriff says he’s seen some strange things over the years and then remarks the pair must truly have seen everything over the years. Dean, clearly off his game begins babbling about bit-coin and the President, but Sam cuts him off and asks the Sheriff to describe the killings and he says all three got ripped apart and had their hearts ripped out.
The last attack took place at a local bar and they spoke to a witness whose reliability’s in question. He says that his buddy went out back of the bar with a blonde and she ripped him apart. But then he says he saw her again and believes she’s a ghost. The Winchesters, thank the guy, then head out looking for a female werewolf, but the search doesn’t last long as they find dead chickens scattered in a shack. The woman’s talking on the phone arguing with the other party, then hangs up. Her senses heightened, she feels the brothers and tries to run but Sam catches her, looks at her face and shows his shock, he turns her around facing Dean and we see it’s Kate. They tie her hands with a rope, hanging from a rafter.
She asks them why they’re in town and they turn the question back on her, asking what happened to her vow. She unconvincingly says things are tougher than she expected and perhaps she’s evolved. She then tells the pair if they’re going to kill her get it over and Dean points his pistol at her, but his younger brother wants to talk. He tells Dean to let him take the shot, clearly he’s worried about his brother killing someone, perhaps due to the “Mark Of Cain.” By the time they finish talking, they see she’s gone, she used one of her fangs to cut the rope.
They did grab her cellphone while they imprisoned her and hit redial, and they get the front desk of a local front desk. After they arrive and speak to the desk clerk, they find out a blonde checked in two-days earlier and give them her room number. Wearing a hat a woman leaves the room and the pair follow staying back about ten-yards. They think she’s going for a jogger, pull their pistols and shot Kate, but another blonde young woman turns around and screams. Dean tells her to calm down and tries to touch her with silver but she screams in terror, then we realize she’s faking as she’s a werewolf and starts attacking Sam. Kate shows up, pulls the woman off Sam and the other woman bolts into the night. Kate explains it’s her sister Tasha.
Kate then explains that she’s stuck true to what she said on the tape and has led a lonely existence on the run. However her younger sister lay in a hospital, dying after a car crash and rather than allowing Tasha to die, she turned her. She then explained to her sister what they were, and they could never be normal, but they had each other. Unfortunately, Tasha refused to control her compulsions and soon started feasting on humans. Kate tracked her down to this town in one last-ditch effort to save her, if not she told “THE BOYS,” she’d take her out.
Dean flat-out lies to Kate and says they can cure her and Tasha and if she can find Tasha, they’ll cure them both. Kate tells them her sister’s at the beach-house her family owns, that’s their rendezvous spot if they get separated. Sam and Dean talk shortly later and Sam says that there’s no way to cure a werewolf and Dean pulls out his silver blade. They get into the Chevy and drive to the beach-house. When they get there, Dean locks Kate to the steering wheel with silver handcuffs and go in to kill Tasha, but the younger sister’s prepared with an ambush. Two guys she turned, Travis and Brandon and she tells Kate when she’s brought from the car by Tasha, they’re her new family, to which Dean responds, “Yeah, a regular psycho Brady Bunch.”
Tasha tells her sister she can walk out on her, or join her and Kate tells her younger sister, she’s not leaving. Tasha tells her to prove her loyalty to eat Sam’s heart but she refuses, so she them gives to Brandon and Travis to play with. Unfortunately for them, Dean and Sam have plenty of experiencing killing werewolves and the two soon join the list.
Kate tries to talk sense to her younger sister, but realizes she’s too far gone. They tell each other they love one another, hug and Kate kills Tasha plunges the silver blade, through her back, then leaves before the boys return. She calls them on her cellphone from a payphone saying she’ll try her best to stick to her vow and hopes never to see them again, as it likely means she broke her vow.
Leaving the town, Sam asked Dean if they rushed back to working too quickly. Dean responds that’s possible, but he wants to do good, as he did such bad things as a demon.
The Story Returns Tuesday Night at 9:00 pm on The CW.