the-blacklist-perhaps-you-ve-heard-of-him Njatvs speculation
The Blacklist: Perhaps You’ve Heard Of Him?
Photo Courtesy Of Virginia Sherwood/NBC WARNING SPOILER ALERT: Please consider this your FINAL WARNING: If you have yet to watch Season Five Episode Eighteen
the-blacklist-the-formula-2 Episode recaps
The Blacklist: The Formula
Photo Courtesy Of NBC Warning: Spoiler Alert Why did Raymond “Red” Reddington elude authorities all over the planet until he struck a deal with the FBI
the-blacklist-berlin-s-revenge-on-reddington Episode recaps
The Blacklist: Berlin’s Revenge On Reddington
Photo Courtesy Of NBC Warning: Spoiler Alert Raymond “Red” Reddington (James Spader) started the second season of the NBC series “The Blacklist,” in Cameroon